Porter Robinsonの新曲"Sad Machine"のLyric Videoが公開されていました。相変わらず泣けるメロディです。映像はちょっと90年代のバーチャルリアリティ研究のコンピュータグラフィックスみたいなテイストですね。最後ロボットの腕と人間の腕が出会うのでしょうか?左側のコンピュータに表示されたような文字がロボット少女の歌詞で、右側の文字がPorterの歌詞となっています。ディレクターはJoe Humpayさんという方でLA在住のフリーランスの映像作家さん(ネットで調べただけなので間違ってるかも)のようです。ちなみに、歌詞の中で「ふぇ」に聞こえる部分は"Hi!"でした!w
Is anyone there?
Oh -
Who survived?
Somebody new?
Anyone else but you?
On a lonely night was a blinding light.
A hundred leaders would be borne of you.
And though I know. Since you’ve awakened her again
She depends on you. She depends on you.
She'll go alone. And never speak of this again.
We depend on you. We depend on you.
And though I know. Since you’ve awakened her again.
She depends on you. She depends on you.
She'll go alone. And never speak of this again.
We depend on you. (We depend) I 'll depend on you.
I don’t know much about your life beyond these walls.
The fleeting sense of love within these god-forsaken halls.
And you can hear it in his voice in every call.
This girl who's slept a hundred years had something after all.
And though I know. Since you’ve awakened her again
She depends on you. She depends on you
I'll go alone. And never speak of you again.
We depend on you. We depend on you.
And though I know. Since you’ve awakened her again.
She depends on you. She depends on you.
She'll go alone. And never speak of this again.
We depend on you. (We depend) I 'll depend on you.